Wednesday, April 4, 2012


For my Job this week, we are camped out at Sammy's Cafe in Rexburg to buy books off of Students and anyone, really, who wants to sell a book worth any value. I come every morning at 9 am on the dot and leave around 6 pm-ish. It isn't too bad. What I love though, is that I get to associate with people and with my cousin Heather Megan. Usually everyday, I am by myself from about 11 am -5 pm. It is a little lonely but I am soooo busy that I sometimes I am lucky enough to not notice how lonely it actually is.

Anyway, I have been thinking a lot about wanting to have things to look forward to. I feel like it makes a really big difference to have some kind of Goal, something that gets your heart beating fast with excitement. I remember as a student I would get excited with the thought of Graduation, Going home on school breaks, or something like getting a good grade on a test. It was like there was something to keep me going. Right now, I have a lot of mundane, uneventful things that keep me going like: work, my calling (not that it isn't eventful but it is not like traveling), work some more.... cleaning house, working get the idea. I have this desire to want to have a calendar to write things down that we are doing... but when I pull up a calendar, its like I remember, "Oh yeah... my life is kind of boring right now"... So I am determined to make it fun! Summer is here and the sun is out!!!

A few things I have to look forward to is my cousin's retreat in May!!! YAY!!!!! I cannot wait for this! It is where all the girls in the family, inlaws and sisters, gather for a weekend to basically play and renew themselves. They come without Children and they have to be 21 or older to come. We have a blast every single time! It keeps us all really close. Also this summer, John's mom is going on a tour for her book and she asked me to come with her. I can't wait for that! Also, like I mentioned in the earlier post, we will be going to Canada and there we will be going to see friends like Nate and Emily and Brittany and Kyle!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH! Also, I have never been to Niagra Falls, we will most likely be visting there. :)

And then there is Turkey. For like literally, 2 WHOLE MONTHS. Who even knows where we will travel and what we will be doing!!!!! (That is, if we for sure go... we haven't made "official" arrangements yet but there has been some serious discussion) But back to Going to Turkey, I know that we will be staying in Istanbol, and visiting Troy possibly. I am just going to die. K? Are you kidding me??? Troy?? And Istanbol???? yeah... neither of them mean too much to me right now, but they sound totally cool and I want to go there.

Also, I am anxious to get my tan on this summer. That is something to look forward to for this super white body of mine. It's begging, pleading with me to get some sun and color on it! I have the devil/ angel thing on my shoulders going on while I tan. My fair skin and my blonde hair (The devils advocate) make me question whether tanning is the best idea for my skin and I often wonder if I will get Skin Cancer from that "One time" I decided to lay out. While the sun (The Angel's advocate) is smiling at me and welcoming me to its warmth and rays. It's almost irresistible! I know that if my cousin Buffy were reading this she would shudder to think that I would even let my beautiful skin be in the sun! haha... But she has taught me well, I wear sunscreen EV-ER-Y-DAY! (on my face at least)...SO Sun!- Bring. It. On!

Alright, I'll stop rambling. PEACE!


  1. In the 19th Century, the ideal woman was as white as a ghost. I vote you go for that look. It's more classic ;) (literally...).

    You're hilarious. YAY for retreat!!! Also, please bring me back fabric. And you're simply wonderful. xoxo, your brunette, brown-eyed, short Jewish sis

    1. But it isn't becoming of me to look like a ghost... Cause rather than a pretty Ghost, I look like death... its not happy. And I want to be happy. BUUUUTTTT. You love me and I know you wouldn't allow me to look like death... I'll consider it ;)

  2. I am jealous that you are getting to go to Turkey. It sounds so exotic, Niagara Falls not so much but only because I've been there about a million times.

    Hopefully you'll come up north to visit Nathan and Emily so we can see you too.

    As for the white skin, apparently you can give yourself a self spray tan out of steeped tea. It only lasts for about four days but it supposed to look a lot more natural than the fake stuff you can have done.

  3. Can't help but notice that you listed Emily and Nathan BEFORE Kyle & I---- just saying' hahaha. I can't wait for your visit! Niagara falls will be fun, the jenners house is always fun (pre inviting myself fionna, haha) so exciting! Also jealous of turkey! Love ya

    1. As I wrote that I thought, Brittany is going to say something about this... AND YOU DIDDDD!!!!! hahahahaha

      I love you. The placement of the names means nothing. Do not FRET!!!!! I Lub jew!
